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Bottle Sealing Wax – Creating a Signature Look

Bottle Sealing Wax – Creating a Signature Look

Bottle sealing wax protects corked or other capped beverages from spoilage during months or years of storage. It is the best way to prevent air from leaking into bottles. Bottle sealing wax also provides the best-looking bottle. There is nothing better than sealing a bottle with a look that is timeless and classy for your customers. Not only will bottle sealing wax benefit the product inside, it will also give it a custom and signature look on the outside that will make it everlasting.

Blending Made Just for You

We blend our base wax with a wide variety of colors, and each color is produced in small batches. We can customize colors to match labels, logos, etc.

All of our waxes are hand poured into a “mini-slabber” to form the wax blocks.

Once the bottle sealing blocks are cooled and packaged, that’s where our customers come in. We ship to many different types of companies including wineries and breweries. Most of our customers hand dip their bottles into a heated pot of wax to achieve their signature look.

Steps for Dipping Your Bottles

  • Wax should be heated between 260°F and 300°F. We recommend using a temperature-controlled container as well as a thermometer immersed in the wax.
    • The higher temperature, the thinner the wax will get. You may need more than one coat of wax if using a higher temperature.
  • Typically, you will hold the bottle upside down and dip the neck of the bottle into the wax. Remove the bottle and let the excess wax drip off while spinning or twisting the bottle. The process of spinning the bottle will yield a more uniform and even coating.
    • If you prefer not to have drips on your bottle, dip the neck of the bottle into a pot of warm water before turning the bottle right side up.
    • If drips are desired, simply dip the bottle and immediately turn the bottle right side up allowing the wax to run down the neck of the bottle.

NOTE: The wax can be peeled off and re-melted if it isn’t dipped in water. The introduction of water into wax over 212°F (100°C) causes violent boiling and splashing, which makes the process a safety concern.

Add a sealing wax to any bottle for a signature look inside and out of the bottle. Bottle sealing wax preserves quality of taste and adds a custom look to any bottle. For more information, a sample or to purchase your own bottle sealing wax, visit our online retail store!